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UDG Healthcare increased learner engagement by 1,700% across its global workforce

UDG Healthcare is a global leader in healthcare advisory, communications, commercial, clinical and packaging services employing over 9,000 people in 29 countries.

The Challenge

UDG Healthcare is a global provider of services to the healthcare industry. The organization employs more than 9,000 people around the world.Despite this large and widespread workforce, the group did not have a unified learning and development platform. Instead, employees relied on a single-page compliance system, which could only deliver mandatory training and was deemed to be boring, unengaging and difficult to use.UDG Healthcare identified the need for a new global LMS to:

  • House all L&D content throughout the group
  • Host internal training programs
  • Track learning across the organizatio
  • Improve quality and compliance reporting.
  • Deliver multi-lingual training to the global workforce.
The Solutio

 UDG Healthcare enlisted the help of Synergy Learning to build and launch Greenhouse Learning, its group-wide learning management system. With each of the group’s businesses operating as separate entities, Greenhouse Learning is the only system that is accessed by all 9,000-plus employees worldwide.Having explored UDG Healthcare’s requirements and complex organizational structure, the Totara Learn learning management system and the integrated learning experience platform (LXP) Totara Engage were quickly identified as the perfect platforms to achieve UDG Healthcare’s goals.Totara Learn’s array of features immediately introduced much of the key functionality that had been absent from the previous system, including a dashboard, featured courses, badges and push messages. All of these features are used to raise awareness of learning opportunities, improve learner engagement levels and increase compliance.  The powerful Totara reporting system is used to track learning, monitor course completions and maintain compliance levels within specific teams, departments, businesses and divisions, as well as across the group as a whole.From a standing start of zero L&D courses, the site now has a directory of 300 courses from which to choose — a figure that is increasing all the time — in addition to a suite of mandatory and required learning. In an organization in which classroom learning is not an option, there is now a centralized structure in place to deliver learning remotely.With the addition of Totara language packs, learners in each of the 29 countries where UDG Healthcare operates can now complete learning and development in their own language.Greenhouse Learning has become a group-wide hub not just for learning, but also for information. The site serves as a place that brings people from across the organization together. Nowhere is this more true than in the collaborative workspaces created using the Totara Engage feature. Workspaces act as communal areas for people throughout the organization who have a shared professional interest, such as using the same system or software in their roles, to interact. Employees in different arms of the organization who would previously have had no contact with each other are now able to communicate, share best practices and ask questions. This has not only created a series of useful resource spaces serving the whole group, but also delivered a huge saving in administrative costs among administrators and systems owners who would have previously had to field each query by email on a one-to-one basis.Rollout of new systems has been simplified dramatically, with multi-million pound projects given their own learning area in which to educate employees throughout the organization in a cohesive way. 

The Result

UDG Healthcare’s employee logins have increased from 1,000 per month under the previous platform to 18,000 logins in the first month of the group-wide launch of Totara. Logins currently average around 13,000 per month – a huge boost for L&D across the organization.Previously, there was no learning and development available on a group-wide level – only basic mandatory training. Now there are 1,500 enrollments per month and more than 3,500 courses have been completed in just six months. UDG Healthcare can easily promote, manage and track learning across the whole organization.A group of companies that is necessarily separated into composite parts and scattered around the globe now has a central, unified platform with which they can bring all of their employees together. UDG Healthcare can share information, knowledge and learning throughout the organization, and enjoy all the communication, performance and efficiency benefits that brings.

“The team at Synergy Learning are extremely knowledgeable and extremely professional. No question is too silly; no problem too big. They have been very helpful in all respects. As an LMS administrator with little prior experience in systems, I have been able to rely on their support throughout.”- Lucy Chegwidden, LMS and Compliance Systems Administrator, UDG Healthcare

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