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TTF Deploys Online Learning to the UK’s £10 Billion Timber Industry with Totara Learn

The Timber Trade Federation (TTF) is the timber trade body representing two-thirds of this current £10 billion UK industry. Providing guidance, resources and governmental representation for the country’s Timber Importers, Agents, Merchants and Manufacturers. Their mission is to grow the use of wood in the UK and to help their members maximise the opportunities within this growing market.

The Challenge

The UK Timber production industry has historically never provided a consolidated approach to staff education or career development. Companies operating individually to pursue their needs thus creating a fragmented approach and knowledge silos.

The TTF were looking for a method whereby they could provide their members with free access to a centralised educational platform. This would then ideally host a mix of specialist industry training also more generic business and soft skills courses. Creating this would allow the TTF to bring together knowledge experts throughout the industry and capture their wealth of experience within tailored training.

The challenge was to combine the benefits of online learning whilst blending this with classroom-based events, which were the more natural training environment within the industry.  They were also looking to provide a platform through which remote learners could submit course work, receive trainer coaching and share best practise.

TTF Key Objectives:

  • To offer value-added industry-leading training to its entire member base and associated staff which number in the thousands
  • To provide all members continual programmes of blended learning backed by  recognised industry qualifications
  • Improve the productivity of all members whilst providing a platform for the sharing best practice
  • Creating a platform to measure member engagement and to foster closer collaboration  

The Solution

Totara Partner Cortexa created a multi-tenant environment to ensure that the TTF members receive an inspiring learning experience designed around their specific interests and educational requirements. Providing individualised educational pathways to a member base spanning timber importers, merchants, agents and manufacturers.

The Totara platform benefits were obvious to the TTF right from the initial project planning phase but its ability to seamlessly support a succession of blended programmes ensured its selection. Also, its intuitive management interface provided TTF staff the confidence that, with a minimal level of training, they would quickly be able to administer the LMS for themselves.

The Results

Totara Learn now provides the TTF with the ideal controlled environment to continue to support and inspire its member community. The first phase of their blended learning programme has been launched and the project has received a surge of interest and positive feedback.

The management team at the TTF are extremely happy with their new Online Academy along with the price point and speedy deployment. Dave Hopkins, TTF Managing Director, has said that the new learning platform is proving easy to administer whilst offering a feature-rich LMS with everything they need.

“We chose Cortexa for a host of reasons but primarily because of their knowledge of our sector and their pragmatic project approach, and we weren’t wrong. The consultation and design phase teased out all our requirements and the build and the solution they provided speaks for itself. We now have a class leading online academy providing a real focal point for professional development for our industry”.

 Dave Hopkins, Managing Director, Timber Trade Federation 

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