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How Totara TXP helped the National Library of New Zealand to build librarian capability and stronger communities during the Covid pandemic

Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa National Library’s New Zealand Libraries Partnership Programme supported librarians and library services to be retained during Covid-19, at the same time ensuring librarians played a key role in supporting their communities and people seeking jobs.

The Challenge

NZLPP’s key objective was to ensure that public libraries were able to continue serving their communities through tough times. Covid meant there was an immediate shortage of skilled librarians, and a shift in the roles libraries were playing, delivering to new community needs.The NZLPP initiative saw 180 new librarians recruited and seconded to public libraries across the country. A national capability framework was developed for these secondees that enabled them to be effective in delivering a wide range of services to their communities.The roll-out of the programme required a learning platform that enabled secondees to choose relevant sector-based capabilities and select learning opportunities from a range of providers that matched their needs. We had twelve weeks to have the solution in place.

The Solution

Totara TXP Learn was the perfect platform to to deliver an engaging and easy to use learning experience. Learners were able to select from the capabilities that mattered to them, find relevant learning opportunities and have them approved at a local level. The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) of course needed reporting that clearly demonstrated the uptake of learning and the outcomes that were being delivered to the sector.

The learning solutions comprised a mix of existing opportunities from around the country and bespoke course development, ranging from formal courses and qualifications to snippets of digital media.

We also developed easy-to-use guides and dashboards, ensuring learners got quickly up to speed and getting the most from their time engaged on the platform.

The comprehensive reporting capabilities of Totara TXP enabled detailed reporting to DIA on learning spend, learner uptake and experiences, in order to constantly improve the engagement of learners, and their managers.

A flexible, responsive project process was required to get things done in the available time.

The first enrolments were flowing in within the 12 week timeline, and we continued to build out the complete set of offerings over the next couple of months.

Totara key attributes:

  • Ability to cater to a wide range of learning types – from formal qualifications to digital media
  • Develop learning programmes that delivered directly to defined competencies.
  • Highly configurable user experience – easy to use and navigate for the learner
  • Announcements and communications to learners. Keeping them up to date as new courses and media were added to the platform.
  • Comprehensive reporting.
    • Enabling library managers to track and manage their allocated training spend per secondee.
    • Ensuring that the investment from the taxpayer was providing value, as well as ensuring engagement was enhanced during the life of the programme.


The results were impressive:

  • 175 librarians and 81 managers engaged, 163 enrolled in learning
  • 3032 courses added to learning plans
  • 743 courses completed


On the back of the successful uptake and engagement with Totara during the COVID initiative, DIA – through Public Libraries New Zealand,  has subsequently developed a sector-wide capability framework and engaged Synapsys to roll out the framework, utilising the re-configured Totara TXP, including Learn and Engage, to support capability development for Public Libraries across Aotearoa.

“The huge amount of success that we’ve had across the programme is testament to the individual successes, and the improvements we were able to make to the learning experience and delivery, was because of the exceptional partnership that we had with Synapsys.”

Jonathan Beveridge – Project Manager; New Zealand Libraries Partnership Programme

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