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ASAP created a flexible blended learning programme for employees across multiple locations

ASAP is an HR service provider that offers temporary employment, recruitment, outplacement, payroll administration, IT services and so on. They have a large network of agencies spread across Belgium.

The Challenge

Despite the fact that ASAP employees are working from different locations, they still need to be trained in a uniform and organised way. For example, on guidelines and regulations they have to take into account when doing their job. This is especially true for newcomers, who need to be on board right from the start.

However, ASAP was using an Excel file to track and manage classroom training, which cost them time and money. They were looking for a flexible platform that could integrate all of their training activities. On top of that, they also wanted to introduce digital courses in their curriculum, in order to create a blended training programme.  

The Solution

Neo developed an LMS based on Totara Lear for ASAP that allows them to offer, manage, follow-up and register different training. That way, they are able to guarantee a uniform training program for all employees.

The collaboration between Neo and the customer went very smoothly. Together, they determined ASAP’s needs. They then set up the LMS and trained a small group of people at ASAP. They are now in full control of their platform and are able to use a large array of Totara functionalities, like assignments, certification, badges, course evaluation, and so on. They can also create new content and set up new training programmes.

 The multilingual training programmes ASAP offers to employees contain classroom training, e-learning and blended learning. Neo also integrated extra seminar functionalities.

The solution Neo created for the customer is exactly what ASAP was looking for: an easy-to-use, flexible platform.

The Results

Via the Totara Learn platform, ASAP can now follow up on subscriptions and classroom training in a centralised way. They can also now guarantee a uniform training programme for all employees.

ASAP is gradually expanding their offering to their employees due to the flexibility of Totara and introducing e-learning courses into their training programmes.

“Neo Learning is a partner that really listened to what we needed. They made an effort to understand our business and look for the right sustainable and long-term solutions. Together, we found the right way to integrate training into our organisation. They also helped us to achieve added value with the LMS. The Totara Learn solution offers us many opportunities that we are exploring and developing together with Neo.”

Karen Bergmans, OPS Training Officer, ASAP

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