Acquire digital skills and expertise across your workforce with Totara’s flexible, scalable solutions
Totara empowers your business services organizations with flexible management of learning, development, performance, and extended enterprise training. Tailor your talent experience to multiple audiences with a platform that can adapt to fast-changing internal processes and scale as your workforce grows.
Tailor learning to multiple audiences
- Scale training to an extended network of professionals and community members
- Deliver learning to third-party vendors outside your organization
- Host live in-person and online training seminars for employees worldwide
“Totara provides a wide range of possibilities like tests and plugins, which enables us to create tests and e-learning courses adapted to our activities.”
Digital Learning Manager, Catalys Conseil
Upskill your people for a digital world
- Share supportive expertise and foster internal collaboration
- Assess skill competency and assign additional training
- Identify skill gaps and create a talent experience to help employees grow
Mitigate risk and stay agile to shifting regulations
- Deliver compliance training based on role, location, job function, and more
- Track course completion and skill competency – be audit-ready
- Ensure compliance across your entire organization and extended enterprise to keep everyone safe
“Totara was the perfect solution for us – we knew that it would offer us the scalable and flexible solution we were looking for.
We were also struck by the ease of use for reporting and administration, as well as the custom compliance dashboard that our Totara Partner offered, as a great tool to increase our engagement and compliance rates with our employees.”
Group Learning and Development Manager, Crest Nicholson