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Electricidade de Moçambique met their growing training needs with digital learning

Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) is the electricity company that serves Mozambique. Their mission is the high-quality provision of electricity exploration, generation, transmission, distribution and sales, along with safeguarding the public interests for the benefit of the consumer and preserving the environment. EDM is the only energy provider in Mozambique, born in 1977.

The Challenge

In 2019, EDM made a strategic plan about its training and identified several learning needs for its employees – primarily to have a new, digital way of managing their dozens of training hours with increasing growth needs and learning requirements.

EDM needed an online training platform that integrated with its internal management system, that would adapt to the new training needs of business partners who wanted to manage current and future face-to-face training and e-learning. EDM has several mandatory and compliance training courses, required by the various regulatory entities.

At the same time, EDM required the production of multimedia e-learning courses for its e-learning platform. They also needed e-trainers and administration training sessions to transfer know-how to its EDM Academy team.

The Solution

EDM chose to work with Totara Gold Partner EDUdigital to create, setup and install a Totara Learn platform that would scale with their needs over time, including the acquisition of servers and installing a complete new e-learning studio to produce audio and video content for courses.



EDUdigital conducted several interviews, meeting with all the EDM staff chiefs, and produced an induction report. After this diagnosis report, they designed and implemented the Totara Learn learning management system (LMS) to support the learning and development of employees’ skills, both online and in person, for behavioral, cross-skills and technical training.

The configuration of the platform and its integration with the EDM software focuses on monitoring and managing in-person and online training, to manage attendance, sessions, courses and monthly training hours. The tailored reporting configuration and the hierarchical configuration took several weeks.

EDUdigital developed the full configuration on the data center, the server acquisition, disks, setup of operating system CentOS, Apache, PHP, MySQL and all related libraries. Single sign-on and LDAP were configured to allow users to access their usual accounts, without the need for new accounts and passwords, making it easier for workers to access the LMS.

The Totara platform and its bilateral integration with the EDM systems were designed to support the blended learning strategy, articulating both types of face-to-face and online training. It also supports mandatory compliance training and certification processes, which are a legal requirement in the energy sector. Learning plans were developed, and EDUdigital also used the target audiences to allow EDM to use hierarchies to organize its workers by profiles, tasks and departments to facilitate the  training management and reflect the organizational structure.

The Totara platform has been fully customized to EDM’s requirements, including the link between the human resources software, the branding design and a custom landing page, to ensure that the platform is consistent with the EDM look and feel, giving a sense of cohesion with the rest of their digital presence.

The Results

EDM now benefits from a feature-rich Totara training platform that allows them to manage all the training of their collaborators and its skills and training topics effectively, not just right now, but long into the future.

This is a relatively recent solution, with a few details to finish in the next few months, but already EDM has an efficient way to manage training activities, in a platform with a perfectly flexible base that reflects its organizational structure and its teams.

EDM can also send information between the various human resources systems and the Totara Talent Experience Platform, using performance management tools, facilitating the connection and achievement of goals with innovative synchronous and asynchronous training tools.

EDUdigital continues to support EDM Academy, across both the LMS and by producing e-learning courses. Both parties are involved in this digital training solution, leading to the success of the platform and its global partnership.

“We salute and encourage the good job practices on the installation of the Totara Platform and the bespoke e-learning courses, and the EDUdigital’s professionals, with its integrity and honesty.”
– Iolanda Cintura, Administration, EDM

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