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Cito uses Totara Learn to consolidate its training materials for a stronger focus on learning

Cito, based in the Netherlands, is one of the world’s leading testing and assessment companies. Measuring and monitoring human potential has been their core competence since 1968.

Cito works for educational institutions, governments and companies, with learning performance and performance in the workplace as their key focal points. Their work builds on the latest developments in ICT and psychometric research.

The Challenge

Cito is an organisation strongly based on knowledge. Therefore, it’s important to become an organisation in which learning is a natural part of daily work.

However, this poses a significant challenge for Cito, where the motto is “Be 100% sure before you do anything”.

This attitude has made it difficult to create a learning environment, because learning starts with the recognition that you are not so sure about something. Therefore, Cito needed a way to bring learning into every day, and required a way to organise their internal learning processes.


The Solution

Totara Partner Bright Alley helped Cito to arrange their internal learning processes by providing a platform to host all of its learning content.

Cito uses Totara’s learning management system, Totara Learn, because it’s an easy way to keep all of its e-learning content in one place, as well as being able to facilitate social learning. Cito worked closely with Bright Alley to create a space on the platform where people could actively learn from each other, helping them maintain a collaborative approach to learning and knowledge sharing.

The flexibility of Totara Learn also makes it easy to follow activity, making it a useful tool for organisation-wide learning and helping Cito in their journey towards becoming a learning organisation.

The fact it was originally based on Moodle also enabled Cito to integrate the learning platform with Questify, its own test software. This ensured the communication between both pieces of software remained seamless.


The Results

Implementing Totara Learn has led to several benefits for Cito.

Firstly, they now spend less time planning and organising traditional training, giving them more time to spend on improving the training and creating blended learning solutions.

Secondly, using Totara Learn means that Cito now have all their learning content in one place, making it easier for users to find what they need quickly.

This has ultimately led to a stronger focus on learning throughout the organisation, because it is easier to communicate about training activities and more content for everybody to explore, significantly increasing learning opportunities for everyone.

“With Totara Learn, we professionalise learning and development at Cito. Learning and development became something that’s for everybody in the organization. It’s an important tool for Cito to create a learning environment, and with that, to develop flexible and innovative employees that can contribute to the business strategy of Cito. And it also makes learning (more) fun!” – Bregje van der Werf, L&D Consultant at Cito


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