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Brussels Airport Company – Safer airside operations with flexible Totara LMS

Brussels Airport Company (BAC) is responsible for the exploitation of Brussels Airport. Its activities are diverse: from guaranteeing the safe travels of thousands of passengers on a daily basis, to managing the airport infrastructure and providing training for internal and external stakeholders.

The Challenge

In order to comply with aviation safety and government-imposed security regulations, internal as well as external employees need a badge to be allowed access into Brussels Airport facilities. To obtain a badge, employees have to complete a short training and then pass a formal test. This certification process is crucial for BAC. Without a badge, people aren’t allowed access to the facilities and therefore can’t perform their work.

The badge certification procedure was complex and inefficient. Moreover, the platform used was highly unstable. Therefore, they needed to create an environment that could fix both these issues, and would allow them to easily manage, facilitate and track their entire badge certification process. BAC reached out to Totara Partner Neo Learning to help them shape and simplify their entire certification process.

The Solution

Together with Brussels Airport Company, Neo Learning created a user-friendly solution with a customized dashboard, which provides easy access for both the end-user and the BAC badge administration. With the extra plugin installed by Neo, BAC can easily and efficiently track the badge certification status of every employee, internal or external, and follow up on this.



A specific flow for each of the badges (for internal or external staff) has been set up. Badge administration employees register the people who want to work at the airport. These people are then automatically assigned to the correct certification process through audiences that are dynamically populated. Via this process, users are granted direct access to a specific training and it’s corresponding mandatory test.



At Brussels Airport Company part of these tests need to be organized in a specific and controlled physical environment for security reasons. To comply with this requirement, Neo has applied various settings within the Totara setup. When users pass the test, they can receive a badge that is valid for maximum five years.

To increase efficiency even more, Neo integrated all these functionalities into the same LMS that Brussels Airport Company was already using for other purposes. The customer now has a stable environment that allows them to manage the badge certification process from A to Z, on top of the processes that was already running in the system.


The Results

The badge administration uses the LMS extensively on a daily basis to register new users and make sure they are educated on important safety guidelines. In no time, they can check whether a particular person is still certified, or needs to renew their badge.



Freedom to save: Brussels Airport Company now has a stable, user-friendly environment that provides a complete future-proof solution, allowing them to certify thousands of users each year without spending too much money.

Freedom to innovate: thanks to Totara, Brussels Airport Company is free to adapt, extend and customise the environment. By working together with Totara to build upon their best-of-breed open source products, Neo was able to create an innovative solution which meets the requirements of the customer.

“Neo Learning’s LMS team is helpful, thorough and willing to meet our needs. Totara is a fantastic system: extremely efficient, straightforward for us as a customer and administrator, and with transparent reporting. As operators working at the Badge service at Brussels Airport Company, welcoming 35,000 customers a year, we want to give a thumbs up to the solution Neo Learning has offered and developed for us. A great team working with a great tool!”

Veerle Wils, Supervisor Badge Services, Brussels Airline Company


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