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Corporater empowers employees, partners and customers with a scalable Totara Learn platform

Corporater is a global software, company headquartered in Norway, that empowers medium and large organisations to evaluate, manage and continually improve business performance by providing a business management platform that adapts to client’s unique business models.

The Challenge

Corporater needed an LMS to help them better manage and deliver training to their software users (employees, partners and clients). However, their staff had limited to no experience in eLearning, and they were uncertain of what they wanted from an LMS.

This meant that they were starting entirely from scratch and needed a partner who would be able to help them not only structure their requirements, but also deliver a fully functioning LMS, ready to be rolled out across their business sites.

As for the organizational context, when starting the LMS initiative, Corporater is a fast-growing organization, with new offices, new employees, new partners and demanding clients, that develops a powerful and complex BMP platform.

The main purpose of the LMS was to empower and train its employees, partners, improve customer experience, and build a customer community with a scalable training solution, by offering theoretical knowledge and the skills they need to make best use of Corporater Business Management Platform.


The Solution

Corporater discovered Nosco, who recommended that they opt for Totara Learn. Without a clear idea of what the LMS should to look like, Totara Learn was flexible enough to evolve over time while Corporater defined exactly what they needed, making it the perfect choice. Initially, in Corporater there was some skepticism on the powers and benefits of an online learning management system, but it was agreed to pilot Totara Learn on Nosco’s recommendation.

Corporater knew that they needed a single platform to train employees, new clients and business partners all over the world at the same time, with different content for different audiences. They wanted to share knowledge faster and get Corporater newbies up and running in a more standard, structured, organized and flexible way. For instance, some content was entirely aimed at salespeople, and other content was entirely for learning the Corporater platform. Nosco ensured that the needs of each audience could be addressed with a single instance of Totara Learn for a joined-up learning experience across the audiences.

In addition, the LMS was built to support SCORM e-learning packages, slideshows, videos, refresher content, cartoons, 3D images and other types of material. Corporater may wish to expand its content offering in the future, and Totara’s flexible learning platform gives them the freedom to add new types of content over time. This worked well for Corporater’s learning strategy, whereby they were building their courses ‘like building blocks – bringing together lots of smaller parts to create full courses’.

Another important part of the project was the fact that the design of the LMS platform, aligned with Corporater’s website. Corporater wanted all their products to have similar look and feel and be integrated with the company branding. Nosco helped them strike a balance between powerful learning and beautiful design. This combination of pedagogy, creativity and usability was key to the success of this project.

By the end of the design process, Corporater described themselves as ‘new believers in the power of eLearning’, and were very impressed with the flexibility of their new open source Totara Learn.


The Results

Corporater’s platform currently has more than 150 users, both employees and partners of the company. Already, clients are expressing a desire to access courses, with imminent plans to give them access to the LMS. The platform has been very well received in the organisation, with management already asking for additions such as Open Badges and certifications. Owing to the flexibility of Totara Learn and Nosco’s implementation, it will be easy for Corporater to add functionality such as this over time.

After going live with the first four modules, Corporater received very positive feedback from learners, who described the LMS as ‘easy to navigate’, and said ‘It’s very clear how the platform is responding to our needs and input’. As well as this, in the Romanian office, the L&D team noticed a significant improvement over the old face-to-face approach to training, with employees getting up to speed much faster, making the learning process much more efficient.

Corporater themselves summed up their experience with the product best, saying: “I have seen something growing from almost nothing to something that everyone in the company knows about and can use to grow.”

“We are proud of the fact that our team can make a difference in the company, and we feel each day the power that the LMS is providing to the rest of the organization. We are happy to see a part of us in everything, and to have a platform like Totara Learn gives us the power to support our needs and creativity, and makes us desire to do more.” – Luciana Terente, Senior Training Consultant, Corporater


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